Wrinkle Reduction

Wrinkle reduction techniques, such as BOTOX®, are incredibly popular worldwide and increasingly part of every day life here in the UK. They can be used to prevent and reduce lines and wrinkles which appear as:

  • Frown lines between the eyes
  • Forehead lines
  • Crows feet

What else does it do?

It can also be used to treat excessive sweating, hyperhidrosis (underarms). It can also soften jowls, upturn smiles, smooth neck lines and reduce tension headache.

Facial aesthetics

How does it work?

A very small amount of the BOTOX® relaxant is injected very precisely into several locations on the face. Impulses are blocked from the nerve to the tiny facial muscles that help contribute to wrinkles. The muscles therefore cannot contract and tend to relax.

Although the results are dramatic, it will not radically change your facial appearance. The muscles are simply relaxed, so you can still frown, smile, or look surprised without the wrinkles and creases between your brows.

How long will it take to perform?

This is a simple non surgical procedure that, depending on the number of areas you wish to treat, only takes 30 minutes and allows you to return home immediately afterwards.

How many treatments will I need?

You may need to have top-up injections every 3 to 6 months to maintain your desired appearance. Clinical studies indicate that the duration of treatment benefit is increased over time, meaning that you should require injections less frequently in the future.

What results can I expect?

The overall effect is a smoother, natural-looking, more youthful appearance.

When will I begin to notice the effects?

Once you have been treated, it usually takes 2 to 14 days before treatment actually takes effect.

How long do results last for?

Individuals vary, however for most people the results last from 3 to 6 months.

Are there any side effects?

You can expect some degree of swelling and redness after the treatment which usually normalises with 1 - 2 days. It is usually very mild and routinely no cover up or make up is required.

Is there anyone who shouldn't have it?

It is not recommended for people suffering from a neuromuscular disease such as Bells palsy or myasthenia gravis, nor for anyone taking medication that interferes with neuromuscular transmission (aminogylocosides). It should not be used if you are pregnant or breast feeding, nor if you have any bleeding disorders, or are taking anti-coagulants.