A crown is a protective cover fitted over the existing structure of a broken or damaged tooth to restore function and appearance. With no black line at gum level and made to match your natural teeth in their size, shape and colour, an all-ceramic crown provides a very natural looking restoration and smile.
Crowns are versatile dental restorations which can be used to complete root canal treatment as well as repairing damaged teeth. Following a root canal procedure, the tooth can be weakened but we can address this by adding a crown to provide strength and improve aesethetics.
Crowns are available in a variety of materials, please ask your dentist to discuss the available options. We will also match the colour of your new dental crown to your existing teeth to help maintain the integrity of your smile.
This is a long-established technique and serves as a useful alternative to a partial denture. It usually requires the preparation of the teeth adjacent to the gap to support dental crowns which anchor the bridge in place. Preparation of healthy teeth is not favoured by some patients and a dental implant may well be more suitable in this case.
Just like a single crown, we will match the colour of your new dental bridge to your existing teeth to help preserve the appearance of your smile.
Crowns and bridges should be cared for in exactly the same way as your normal teeth with diligent brushing and flossing. We will also check that all is well with your restorations during your regular check-ups at Westdale Dental.