Orthodontics is a dental treatment involving the diagnosis and treatment where teeth may be crooked or over crowded in the mouth. Crooked teeth my cause several problems and cause difficulties when biting, for example underbite or overbite.
Clear aligners are a virtually invisible way to straighten your teeth and improve your smile without the need for fixed braces. Using a series of clear aligners, that may be removed at any time, your teeth will gradually move and give you the smile that you have always wanted.
At Westdale Dental we offer either Invisalign or Sure Smile Clear Aligner treatment. Your dentist can advise which is the best option for your treatment.
Invisalign® uses a series of removable, clear aligners that are custom-moulded to fit you. Comfortable, convenient and highly effective, the virtually invisible aligners gradually reposition your teeth into a smile you will be proud of. Proven effective in clinical research and used in orthodontic and dental practices throughout the world, Invisalign® can give you beautifully straight teeth in a safe and proven way.
While Invisalign® can be used with virtually any treatment philosophy, specific training is needed. All orthodontists and dentists interested in treating patients with Invisalign® must attend training before cases will be accepted from their office.
The convenience and ease of use of the Invisalign® system have made it the first choice for half a million people worldwide. Please take a look at the benefits below:
Based on your Westdale Invisalign® Dentist's (Lynne Jones) diagnosis, a series of aligners are custom made in a laboratory using advanced 3D computer imaging technology.
Each Invisalign® aligner is worn for 2 weeks, removing them only to eat drink, brush and floss.
As each Invisalign® aligner is replaced, gradual movement of the teeth occur resulting in a straighter smile.
You will need to visit us every 4-6 weeks so that we can ensure all necessary movements are occurring.
On average Invisalign® treatment lasts 6 to 15 months.
Like brackets and arch wires are to braces, Invisalign® aligners move teeth through the appropriate placement of controlled force on the teeth. The principal difference is that Invisalign® not only controls forces, but also controls the timing of the force application. At each stage, only certain teeth are allowed to move, and these movements are determined by the orthodontic treatment plan for that particular stage. This results in an efficient force delivery system.
Invisalign® can help to treat a variety of orthodontic concerns including teeth which are crooked, crowded or with gaps - but because it is clear, removable and comfortable, it won't interfere with your life.
SureSmile clear aligners use cutting edge technology to carefully move teeth to reveal the ultimate Hollywood smile.
3D imaging and treatment planning software creates customised aligners for your teeth.
Your dentist takes detailed images of your mouth, later transforming these images into 3D visuals in order to see every tooth from every angle. SureSmile software will calculate the wire bends required to move your teeth efficiently and directly towards their finishing positions. Robotics will then create an aligner, customised to your mouth.
Call our friendly reception team on 0115 9603572 or Email: info@westdaledental.com to arrange an Invisalign® consultation. Your Westdale dentist will then examine your teeth and provide you with a teeth straightening cost estimate. After consent, you will have tooth impressions, photos and an x-ray taken of your smile.
Finally, you will receive your set of Invisalign® aligners to wear and be seen at 6 weekly intervals
On completion of your Invisalign® clear braces treatment in Nottingham, you will have straightened teeth and a smile you have always wanted.